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Chemical Reactors

From Design to Operation

Authors : EUZEN Jean-Paul

EUZEN Jean-Paul

Graduate Engineer from ENSIC

Deputy Manager of Chemical Engineering Research at IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:
Chemical Engineering

Author of numerous scientific articles, J.P. Euzen is co-author of 3 books :
– Scale-up Methodology for Chemical Processes
– Chemical Reactors, from Mock-up to Industrial Reactor : Diagnostic Methods
– Petroleum Refining, Vol. 4: Materials and Equipments

Complementary informations:
Professor at ENSPM, Paris, France
Professor at ENSGTI, Pau, France



Graduate Engineer from ENSCP - France (Chemical Engineering)
Ph.D. in Science

Director of the Industrial Development Centre at IFP (French Institute of Petroleum)

Field of publication:
Chemical Engineering

Author of about 80 scientific articles, Dr. Trambouze published and co-authored 7 titles with Editions Technip:
In english:
- Chemical Reactors: Design, Engineering, Operation
- Scale-up Methodology for Chemical Processes
- Petroleum Refining. Vol. 4. Materials and Equipment (Ed.)
In French:
- Le développement des procédés de raffinage et de pétrochimie
- Les réacteurs chimiques. De la conception à la mise en œuvre (Nouvelle édition revue et augmentée)
- Les réacteurs chimiques : conception, calcul et mise en œuvre
- Les réacteurs chimiques. Recueil d’exercices
- Méthodologie pour l’ extrapolation des procédés chimiques
- Le raffinage du pétrole. Tome 4. Matériels et équipements (Ed.)

ISBN : 9782710808459
hardcover      170 x 240 mm     
Publication date : May 2004

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This in-depth revision provides a summary of current knowledge, updated based on the most recent literature in the field. The reader will find recommendations on the choice of correlations to apply, depending on the case, and useful references to the original documents on industrial processes. This practical user’s guide is designed for engineers in industries involved with the problems of chemical transformations, and for professors and students of process engineering. Whether the reader is working in a design department, an engineering firm or an R&D department, or is managing production plants, he will find material here that is directly applicable to the solution of his problems.

Contents :

1. Definitions and fundamental concepts. 2. Single-phase reactors. 3. General characteristics of reactors with two fluid phases. 4. Experimental data and correlations for gas-liquid reactors. 5. Experimental data and correlations for liquid-liquid reactors. 6. General characteristics of heterogeneous catalytic reactors. 7. Reactors employing a fluid phase and a catalytic solid phase: fixed bed, moving bed, fluidized bed. 8. Three-phase reactors: gas, liquid, and catalytic solid. 9. Case studies. 10. Multifunctional reactors and future developments. General nomenclature. Index.

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