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New Generation of Engine Combustion Processes for the Future? (A)

Authors : DURET Pierre

DURET Pierre

Graduate Engineer from the École Centrale de Paris (a superior french school of Engineering)

Director of the Center for "IC Engines and Hydrocarbons Utilizations" at the IFP School.

Field of publication:
Internal combustion engine

Author of about 50 scientific articles (40 in English), Mr. Duret was the Editor of the following titles in English:
– A New Generation of Two-Stroke Engines for the Future (Ed. Technip, 1993)
– A New Generation of Engine Combustion Processes for the Future (Ed. Technip, 2001)

Complementary information:
Mr. Duret is an expert in new generation two-stroke engine design and in new CAI/HCCI engine combustion processes. He gives lectures on these two topics at the IFP School.


ISBN : 9782710808121
trade paperback      210 x 270 mm      208 pages
Publication date : January 2002

American buyersAmerican buyers

There is growing interest in the new generation of engine combustion processes that are emerging from research and development projects worldwide. The new combustion processes generally bring about significant improvements in fuel economy combined with ultra-low emissions of pollutants. The French Petroleum Institute, an internationally recognized expert in new engine combustion processes, organized an international congress whose proceedings are presented in this book. The meeting provided an opportunity for experts from the automotive industry, the heavy duty and small engine sectors, OEM suppliers, fuel companies and R&D organizations to exchange views on the chances of success of newly-developed engine combustion processes.

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