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Reservoir and Civil Engineering Geophysics (CD-Rom)

Géophysique de gisement et de génie civil (CD-Rom)

Authors : CHAPELLIER Dominique


, MARI Jean-Luc

MARI Jean-Luc

Graduate Engineer From ENSPM (IFP School - France)
Ph.D. in Earth sciences

Professor in Geophysics at IFP School, Senior Research Geophysicist at IFP (French Institute of Petroleum)

Field of publication:
Geophysics, signal processing

Author of about 60 scientific articles (30 in English), Dr. Mari published 12 titles with Editions Technip:
in English:
- Full Waveform Acoustic Data Processing (with F. Coppens, Ph. Gavin and E. Wicquart)
- Geophysics of Reservoir and Civil Engineering (with G. Arens, D. Chapellier and P. Gaudiani)
- Seismic Surveying and Well Logging (with S. Boyer)
- Seismic Well Surveying (with F. Coppens)
- Signal Processing for Geologists and Geophysicists (with F. Glangeaud and F. Coppens)
- Wave Separation (with F. Glangeaud)
in French:
- Géophysique de gisement et de génie civil (with G. Arens, D. Chapellier and P. Gaudiani)
- Mise en œuvre et traitement de la sismique de puits et des diagraphies acoustiques
- La sismique de puits (with F. Coppens)
- Sismique et diagraphies (with S. Boyer)
- Traitement des diagraphies acoustiques (with F. Coppens, Ph. Gavin and E. Wicquart)
- Traitement du signal pour géologues et géophysiciens (with F. Glangeaud and F. Coppens)
  - Vol. 1. Prospection sismique
  - Vol. 2. Techniques de base
and also 2 CD-Rom (English- French):
- Reservoir and Civil Engineering Geophysics (with D. Chapellier)
- Signal Processing in Geosciences (with F. Glangeaud)

Comment : For PC and MAC computers (English-French). Pour PC et MAC (français-anglais).
ISBN : 9782710807704

Publication date : September 1999

American buyersAmerican buyers

This CD-ROM was conceived as an educational tool and was elaborated from the content of the book "Geophysics of Reservoir and Civil Engineering" (available in this catalogue). It presents the main geophysical methods, namely, surface seismic, well seismic, radar and well logging, and their applications to reservoir studies as well as to a great number of civil engineering operations. Numerous animations illustrate the principles behind the methods, their applicability in the field and their operational limits, thus contributing to make the CD-ROM a didactic medium very attractive to the user. This product is also available, at a special price, for a multi-user purpose.


Ce CD-Rom est un outil pédagogique élaboré à partir de l’ouvrage "Géophysique de gisement et de génie civil" (disponible dans ce catalogue). Il présente les méthodes de géophysique (sismique de surface, sismique de puits, radar et diagraphies) et leurs applications aux études de gisement et à de nombreux cas de génie civil. Les multiples animations qui illustrent le principe des méthodes, leur domaine d’application et les limites d’utilisation font de ce CD-Rom un support didactique passionnant à utiliser. Ce produit est également disponible en multiposte à un tarif spécial.

Contents :

Sismique de surface : propagation des ondes, équipement, sismique réflexion, sismique réfraction, ondes de surface. Sismiques de puits : mise en oeuvre, traitement, exemple d’imagerie. Diagraphies : acoustique, nucléaire, électrique, autres, méthodes d’interprétation. Radar : principe, surface, puits, possibilités, limites.


Surface seismic: wave propagation, equipment, seismic reflection, refraction seismic, surface waves. Well seismic: surveying, processing, field examples. Well logging: acoustic radiometric logs, electric logs, others, interpretation methods. Radar: principle, surface, well, possibilities, limits

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