Ph.D. in Law, Graduate in Library Sciences
Magdeleine Moureau has head IFP-Energies nouvelles Documentation. She is the author of articles, technical dictionaries and linguistic tools helping in the search and elaboration of on-line information.
Field of publication:
Computerized documentation, linguistics, thesaurus construction, dictionary
Author of numerous scientific articles, Dr. Moureau published and co-authored the following titles with Editions Technip:
English-French, French-English:
- Dictionary of Seismic Prospecting - 4000 terms
- Dictionary of Drilling and Borehole - 8000 terms
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Petroleum Science and Technology - 70 000 terms
- Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Sciences - 37 000 terms
In French:
- Guide pratique pour le système international d’unités (SI)
Complementary information:
Prizewinner, Académie des Sciences, Paris - France (1994)
BA from Williams College, Degrees in medium level and higher literary French from the University of Paris, Degree from the Institut de Phonétique
Gerald Brace† was a linguist, scientific rewriter and technical translator at IFP-Energies nouvelles. He was co-author of several dictionaries together with Magdeleine Moureau.
Field of publication:
Technical translation dictionaries
Author of 7 scientific articles, Mr. Brace published and co-authored 4 dictionaries (English-French, French-English) with Editions Technip:
– Dictionary of Seismic Prospecting – 4000 terms
– Dictionary of Drilling and Borehole – 8000 terms
– Comprehensive Dictionary of Petroleum Science and Technology – 70 000 terms
– Comprehensive Dictionary of Earth Sciences – 37 000 terms
Complementary information:
Prizewinner, Académie des Sciences, Paris – France (1994).
Grégoire Sevadjian, geologist, is now Petroleum consultant for Vinci-Technologies.