Catalogue :  EL KAMEL Abdelkader

Engineer from Ecole Centrale de Lille
Ph.D. in Automatic Control & Computer Science
Habilitation to Supervise Research

Professor at Ecole Centrale de Lille

Field of publication:
Modeling, Analysis, Intelligent Control & Optimization of Complex Systems with uncertainties

Author of 10 scientific articles in French and 40 in English, A. El Kamel published 8 titles:
In English:
- Proceedings of IEEE-SMC༾ Conference
- Proceedings of CESAྞ Conference
- Proceedings of 5 Workshops in Tunisia
In French:
- Comparaison de moteurs : simulation dynamique v. Bond Graphs (Hermès)

Complementary informations:
- General Chair & Organiser of IEEE-SMC༾ Conference
- Reception of IEEE Outstanding Contribution Award & Outstanding Service Award
- IEEE Senior Member
- President of the French IEEE-SMC Chapter
- Elected member of the French CNU (1999-2003)
- Visiting Professor in different Universities in Tunisia