Catalogue :  ROJEY Alexandre

Graduate Engineer from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon (a superior french school of engineering)
MSc from DIC (Imperial College)

Director of the Natural Gas Department at IFP (French Petroleum Institute)

Field of publication:
Separation operations, Mass transfer, Natural gas

Author of numerous scientific communications, A. Rojey published and edited 6 titles with Editions Technip:
In English:
- Gas Cycling. A New Approach
- Natural Gas. Production. Processing. Transport
- Energy Conservation in Refining and Petrochemistry
In French:
- Transfert de matière. Efficacité des opérations de séparation de génie chimique (with D. Defives)
- Le gaz naturel. Production. Traitement. Transport
- Le raffinage du pétrole. Tome 2. Procédés de séparation

Gas Cycling Gas Cycling
May 1999
ROJEY Alexandre
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